Money-Maker Deals
If you’ve ever taken advantage of any of the In-Store Deals offered through Swagbucks then you know you can earn SB for purchasing specific grocery items and consumer packaged goods, then uploading your receipt. Well, we wanted to highlight a few of these current deals that will actually make you money!
That being said, we know that times are different right now and that not everyone may be going to grocery stores in person. We hope that for those of you who are shopping in-store, that you’re taking all safety precautions to stay healthy. We are sharing these deals for those who want to keep them in mind for their next grocery shopping trip, and in no way are we encouraging going to stores more than absolutely necessary. The fact is that many of us are still grocery shopping out of necessity, so here are some easy money-maker deals to check out!

With more time spent at home, we are all looking for extra ways to stay entertained. Pick up a magazine or two next time you’re checking out to enjoy at home. Oftentimes you’ll find even more inspiration within the magazines such as recipes, workouts, home decor ideas, and more! Right now if you buy People Magazine from a participating retailer and upload your receipt to Swagbucks you’ll earn 600 SB! Similarly, Real Simple Magazine and InStyle Magazine will earn you a hefty 800 SB when you upload your receipt! Be sure to check the participating retailers first.

More time at home means more meals at home means more dirty dishes to wash! To tackle the seemingly endless pile in your sink, grab some Scotch-Brite Scrub Sponges next time you’re at Walmart. They’re also great to use for spring cleaning all over the house. Buy 1 eligible Scotch-Brite® Scrub Sponge product and earn 100 SB! Buy 2 eligible products and earn 400 SB!

Allergy season is upon us, but there’s no need to suffer through those pesky allergy symptoms when you can take Claritin chewables! Buy an 8 count pack at Walmart and earn 325 SB! Buy an 8 count and 24 count pack and earn an additional 700 SB. You can even buy both packs to earn a total of $10.25!

Last but not least, you can earn $15 cash back for buying cottage cheese! Good Culture cottage cheese is low in sodium and packed with healthy probiotics. Buy one 16 oz. eligible Good Culture product and earn 100 SB! Buy one 16 oz. eligible product and any other 2 eligible Good Culture products to earn 1,500 SB! Good Culture products are sold at several participating locations so you’re sure to find it on your next shopping trip.