Rewarding Moments: Chaz
Chaz (Swag Name: Chazzilla420) is from Torrington, WY and has been a Swagbucks member since August 2021.
Here is what Chaz has to say about his Swagbucks Rewarding Moment:
My name is Chaz Ulrich! I am 30 years old and I’m from the middle of nowhere! Lol I’m actually from Torrington, WY! I first came to Swagbucks cause I was low on funds and was needing help! I’ve currently been struggling financially due to a pay cut! Cause covid affected our shop selling as much equipment as we normally do! So I had been getting behind and had to take out payday loans that got me behind even worse! But I’m on the uphill climb and already I have made 55 dollars that was deposited straight into my account! I was skeptical at first but now I know! Thank you so much for your help! Keep rocking it Swagbucks!

Chaz, we have issued 1,000 SB to your account. Thank you for sharing your Rewarding Moment with us.
What is your rewarding moment?
Send your rewarding moment to goodpeople@swagbucks.com and include your
1. Name,
2. Swag Name,
3. Where you’re from: city/state
4. How you first came to Swagbucks
5. Your favorite ways of earning SB
6. A photo.
Members who get their rewarding moment published receive 1,000 SB. Plus your referral link will be used whenever Swagbucks is mentioned in the post!
In addition, your story might also be featured on our Instagram account @swagbucksofficial or other social channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!
If you would like to nominate another member to be featured on Rewarding Moments, please create a video and either post it on Twitter (make sure to include @swagbucks and #SBgoodpeople in your message), post it on our Facebook wall or send a link (or it) via email to goodpeople@swagbucks.com. Send us an email to let us know no matter what. If we choose that story, the person you nominate will get 1,000 SB and you will get 500 SB
If we didn’t tell your rewarding moment this week, it doesn’t mean we won’t tell it in the future. There are so many great rewarding moments to share. We look forward to hearing yours.